To Tie or Not To Tie
A tie is a quick, stylish way to jazz up any outfit. But the question is, how do you know when to wear a tie and when it’s alright to just say “I don’t need one?” First of all, you need to know that almost any outfit that contains a long-sleeve button up shirt can make use of a tie. But the problem is deciding whether the tie is really necessary.
First of all, think about where you are going to be wearing the tie to. If you are going to be wearing something trendy like a watchman coat, then you probably want to just go ahead and wear the tie. Plain ties are more in style now, but patterns aren’t exactly out either.
Next, try to make sure that if you are going to wear a tie that it goes with what you are wearing. Sure that white tie with the pink unicorns might be epic, but if you are wearing a navy blue shirt, then you might want to look into something a lot different, or rather closer, to the shirt that you are wearing.
Look also at your pants and shoes. If you are wearing a pair of jeans and tennis shoes, you may find that you can get away with the use of a tie. Instead, leave your shirt slightly unbuttoned. When you do this, it doesn’t look quite as stiff and odd without the tie.
With these things in mind, use your best judgement in order to best dress yourself.