Back in black, trendy color summer, fall
Traditionally black is a very popular color in any wardrobe. It can be used as a staple color or as a accent color. Black has been the color of choice for men’s tuxedos, suits, and neckties. While many men see black as just a basic color they have to wear, black is actually the perfect way to let your personality shine through.
No color will serve a man better than black where a suit is concerned. Sometimes, black suits can be mistaken as boring or even sad but they are great to use to fill your wardrobe with colors. For example, contrast your black suit with bright shirts. Wear shirts that are aqua, red, pistachio, or even a pink. Add in a tie that blends both the colors of the suit and the shirt and you will look fantastic. Many men think they have to match the shirt to the jacket and the tie to the shirt, but this makes them look commonplace and boring. Add color, and better yet, if the black suit is your only suit, as long as the detail and stitching is conservative, no one will know it.
Black is also becoming a popular color in accessories. It’s a popular color to use as an accent in tan or brown blazers. It’s also added as a stripe to white dress shirts, which helps the shirt to go well with fantastic ties such as a gold or crimson tie. Black is used as an accent color in shoe stitching and helps to make a pair of shoes versatile. Black is also very popular with gold and silver accessories, and makes them easily match any man’s outfit.