Are you intending to walk the fascinating but rugged journey to beard ownership? In recent years, beards have been trending a lot and if you’re interested in growing a healthy one out, then you have to know how to take the best care of it. In this article, you will find out 7 tips for growing a healthy beard. So, keep reading this guide to maintain your best beard ever using these effective tips.

Keep an appropriate beard washing routine

It is impossible to take great care of facial hair if it’s not cleaned thoroughly. Hygiene is a non-negotiable requisite when it comes to maintaining and grooming facial hair. Each time you’re outside, your beard is usually susceptible to bacteria and dirt.

That said, you should use beard shampoo and other products for beard care to cleanse your beard and use beard oil once you have dried it. To purchase beard care products click here.

Concentrate on your moustache as well

Often, people take great care of their beards but end up neglecting the moustache in the process. However, taking care of your facial hair involves much more than just concentrating on your beard. You may encourage uneven growth of facial hair which is quite noticeable. Cleaning up the strays in your moustache using beard scissors could go a long way. In addition, comb the ‘stache and apply wax on it to keep it in check.

Include beard oil in your grooming routine

This product can be quite crucial in your routine during the cold winter days. It is a multi-purpose life-saver for people with beards. Using this oil not only nourishes the beard but also makes it easier to style. Also, your beard will appear healthy, shiny, and moisturized.

Patience is a must

You must allow your beard some time to grow before you try to treat the gaps. By doing so, you will protect it from damage and bad “beard” days.

Take great care of the beard

During beard care, you must usher growth appropriately and in a healthy manner. If you don’t nourish it when it is growing, it could be hard to manage it. Alternatively, it could be way too damaged to style it. The future and health of your facial hair will entirely rely on great hygiene habits and the products of beard care you use on it.

Do not be quick to trim it

To many people, knowing when exactly to trim the beard tends to be a challenge. For example, when you trim great amounts of hair each time you’re growing it, you could end up damaging the growth of your hair. The recommended number of times you should trim your beard is about once or twice every month. When trimming it, make sure to follow your face’s natural shape.

Always brush the facial hair

If you want to grow and maintain a healthy beard, this is a factor that you should take seriously. A great example that illustrates the benefit of doing so is brushing your head’s hair. When you brush your head, you remove unwanted specks, dirt, and maintain healthy strands. Brushing the beard will offer you the same benefit. More so, brushing it will also make sure the oil reaches its destination.

Tissu confortable par excellence, le coton est la matière à privilégier lors de l’achat des sous-vêtements pour homme. Le marché du textile a depuis peu connu une expansion incroyable, qui a permis d’offrir un catalogue très fourni aux consommateurs. Court, long, tissu en coton peigné, stretch, uni ou à motifs, les modèles se multiplient, et le choix aussi. Vous envisagez d’acheter de nouveaux dessous mais êtes hésitant quant au choix de votre modèle ? Et si vous optiez pour le boxer pour homme en coton ? Conseils pour bien acheter votre boxer en coton en ligne.

Trouvez une bonne marque de boxer en ligne

Acheter des sous-vêtements en ligne présente certainement des avantages, mais c’est un achat risqué, qui doit vraiment être pris au sérieux. Choisir des boxers à la va vite n’est pas une bonne idée, surtout sur Internet. Il faut prendre le temps de comparer chaque modèle, vérifier qu’il s’agit bien d’un coton de qualité et bien entendu s’adresser à une bonne marque.

Les marques de boxer homme coton en ligne ont un large catalogue de produits variés qui vous donneront que l’embarras du choix. Cela dit, un article de marque ne sous-entend pas forcément la qualité, d’où l’intérêt d’étudier minutieusement votre choix. En effet, chaque enseigne possède ses propres techniques dans l’élaboration de ses boxers pour homme. L’idéal serait d’en trouver une qui combine la qualité et le juste prix, presque une mission impossible sur Internet.

Sachez qu’une bonne marque doit avant tout être connue et recommandée par le public. D’autre part, elle doit être en mesure de vous tracer la provenance de ses produits en toute transparence. Enfin, vous pouvez vous reposer sur une enseigne spécialisée en sous-vêtements pour homme et reconnue pour sa fiabilité. Si l’une des marques de votre choix remplit tous ces critères, vous pouvez la choisir en toute confiance.

Boxer en coton long ou court ? Déterminez la coupe qui vous convient

En matière de coupe, les sous-vêtements pour homme ne sont pas très généreux. Même en ligne, il est difficile de dénicher un article vraiment original car presque tous les modèles se ressemblent. Ceci dit, les boxers existent en plusieurs longueurs, pour s’adapter à toutes les morphologies et besoins de chacun.

Optez pour un boxer court si vous êtes un adepte du confort. Celui-ci descend juste sous les fesses, pour vous offrir une liberté de mouvement totale. C’est aussi le boxer classique par excellence. Il a l’avantage d’être très discret sous les vêtements, un véritable plus lorsque vous portez des pantalons assez moulants. Telle une seconde peau, il enveloppe votre corps sans vous comprimer ; une fois que vous l’aurez essayé, vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !

Le boxer long est une variante appréciée pour son maintien exceptionnel, surtout au niveau des parties intimes. Il procure également un effet gainant très intéressant sur vos cuisses et vos fesses. Ce type de boxer descend jusqu’à mi-cuisse et parfois même plus loin pour offrir une couverture optimale. Comme il tient bien au chaud, c’est un choix parfait pour l’hiver. C’est aussi un sous-vêtement adapté à la pratique du sport en raison de ses bonnes capacités de maintien. Enfin, les boxers longs permettent d’éviter que vos cuisses ne se frottent entre-elles pour vous garantir le meilleur confort possible.

Trouver la bonne taille de boxer en ligne

Un boxer se caractérise par sa coupe ajustée, qui moule à la perfection le corps de son porteur. Sa ceinture élastiquée quant à elle, permet de maintenir le sous-vêtement en place tout au long de la journée. La taille d’un boxer en coton repose en grande partie de ces deux éléments, qu’il convient donc d’étudier minutieusement.

Lorsque la ceinture élastique est trop serrée, votre corps est comprimé, ce qui fait naturellement apparaître les éventuels bourrelets disgracieux. D’autre part, ce n’est pas bon pour votre circulation, ni pour votre confort au quotidien. Si au contraire, la ceinture n’est pas suffisamment ajustée, votre boxer risque de ne pas remplir son rôle de maintien. Par ailleurs, il pourrait glisser et vous serez à chaque fois obligé de le remonter.

Le boxer en lui-même se doit également d’être à la bonne taille, si vous ne souhaitez pas compromettre votre confort. En choisissant votre modèle, privilégiez les boxers élaborés à partir de coton souple tels que le coton mélangé ou le stretch. De cette manière, votre sous-vêtement s’adaptera à votre morphologie, sans que cela nuise à votre bien-être.

Si vous avez du mal à trouver la bonne taille sur Internet, prenez le soin de mesurer votre tour de taille, vos hanches et vos cuisses à l’aide d’un mètre ruban. Vous pourrez ensuite vous en servir comme référence lors de l’achat de votre boxer en ligne.

Confort : quel type de coton choisir ?

Lorsqu’on parle de boxer en coton, on pense souvent qu’ils sont tous les mêmes, ce qui est une véritable erreur ! Il existe tellement de variétés de cotons que parfois, on peut facilement s’y perdre.

Pour un maximum de confort, pensez aux textiles dotés d’une bonne réspirabilité, surtout lorsqu’il fait chaud. Les matières qui ne laissent pas votre peau respirer ne sont pas confortables et peuvent provoquer des irritations importantes. Dans cette gamme, vous avez l’option du coton peigné, qui a l’atout d’être très doux. Cette matière est non seulement agréable à porter, mais elle confère également à votre corps l’aération dont elle a besoin.

Si vous souhaitez recherchez une matière adaptée à votre sensibilité tout en préservant l’environnement, tournez-vous vers le coton biologique. En effet, la culture ainsi que la confection de ce dernier répond à des normes éthiques et environnementales exigeantes. Le coton bio ne contient ni de pesticides ni d’autres produits chimiques, une condition que l’on retrouve rarement chez les autres tissus. En optant pour un boxer en coton bio, vous avez l’assurance d’un sous-vêtement de haute qualité, mais surtout moins néfaste.

Il n’est pas rare de voir certains boxers en coton se mélanger à d’autres matières synthétiques ou naturelles. Le coton et l’élasthanne sont deux tissus que l’on associe très souvent, tout comme le coton et le lycra. Le coton mélangé est avantageux en matière de confort, car il permet d’obtenir une élasticité optimale du vêtement.

Choisissez le look de votre boxer !

Dernière étape mais non des moindres : le style de votre boxer pour homme en coton. Bien sûr, personne ne verra vos dessous, même si dans certaines situations, cela peut arriver. Toutefois, pour vous sentir bien dans vos sous-vêtements, il est d’abord essentiel que vous les aimiez. Vos sous-vêtements reflètent souvent votre personnalité. Alors lequel êtes-vous : discret, séducteur, fun, classique, élégant ou original ? Faites le choix qui correspondra au mieux à votre style ou vos envies du moment.

En termes de look, vous avez le choix parmi d’innombrables imprimés et couleurs. Si vous aimez l’extravagance et souhaitez apporter un peu de couleurs dans vos placards, choisissez un boxer en coton à motifs ludiques et colorés. Vous préférez quelque chose de simple mais efficace ? Optez pour l’indémodable sobriété des modèles unis. Pour les couleurs, fiez-vous à votre instinct et vos préférences.

Quoi qu’il en soit, le choix d’un boxer en coton pour homme uni ou imprimé n’est au final qu’une affaire de goût. Vous pouvez vous laisser guider par votre personnalité, votre univers, vos coup de cœur et même par votre humeur du jour. Bref, l’important est que vous vous fassiez plaisir avant tout !

When talking about precious stones and jewellery, one natural stone can’t go without mentioning. And that is the precious ruby stone which you can acquire jewellery crafted from it online. It is one of the most coveted gems in the world since time immemorial because of its rarity and sheer beauty. It can be described as a charming red gemstone with great value and has been a prized possession for centuries, and has even been used to symbolize many great and appealing values. Rubies showcase some level of class with unparalleled brilliance, but they can also be used to represent love, wisdom, life, and wealth in the past and in the present times.

The stones have a very long history as they were worn by those in power and leadership positions. Some cultures also considered them to be natural stone jewellery meant for kings. Throughout history, it’s written that the kings of various places owned these rare natural stones and many more minerals. They natural stones were placed in crowns, rings, worn as necklaces, used to make buttons for shirts and coats for the royalty, and even placed in their staff to show power, class, bravery, wealth, and the kings’ wisdom.

The Appearance of Rubies and Their Properties

Rubies have a bright red or some shade of pink colour that differentiates them from other rocks that fall into the same class but with different colours. That is why they were called curbuncolourum by the ancient Romans. curbuncolourum meant small burning or ignited coal and were very prized and valuable. Some rubies have an intense saturated or concentrated colour, while some have light colours. The ones with concentrated colour intensity are the most sought after and more valuable. When observed closely against a strong light, the inside seems like many crystals stacked together, but it is one whole entity.

Rubies are incredibly strong precious minerals and are ranked after diamonds with a score of 9.0 in the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. They can’t even be dissolved in the strongest concentrated acids making them the most durable after diamonds. Natural occurring rubies contain some imperfections in colour and inclusion of rutile needs, which help identify artificially made rubies.

Beliefs and Myths Surrounding Wearing of Rubies

Possessing and wearing Jewellery made of rubies has for a long time been believed to come with some benefits to the person wearing them. One could become extremely lucky when they possessed one and could even grow in riches. Depending on culture, people came up with many beliefs. Some of the beliefs include:

It was Believed to be the Stone of Courage and Symbolized Blood

Due to its blood-like appearance, many associated it with the fluid that sustains the human body. The soldiers were believed to have a special connection to the precious rock as it was believed to bring courage and invulnerability. Some went as far as inserting the rock into their flesh to gain its properties since wearing it was just not enough. They believed the stone would heal wounds and stop bleeding when in wars and protect them from cuts and injuries.

It was the stone of protection

It was worn as a talisman, and even to this time, some still do it. It is believed to have some mystical properties and powers that protect the wearers from various harms like voodoo and dark magic against them. It was believed to inspire peace to the wearer when worn as a necklace and placed on the chest’s left side where the heart is. They believed that it would bring good luck to the family and no harm would even come close to them or their wealth.

Benefits of Owning and Wearing Rubies-Made Jewellery

People believed that these stones were magical and could provide some benefits to the body and even with the people around you. That came about if you drank elixirs made from the rubies or just wearing them as jewels. Some of the most significant benefits and properties of the rubies are;

They are Used in Litho Therapy

Litho therapy means healing or curing using unique precious stones like rubies. Rubies are said to give out some positive energy from within that would give them the litho therapeutic properties. The red colour was also a significant symbol that would show the stone’s healing properties. Some of the Litho therapeutic benefits to the physical body are:

Rubies-Made Jewellery and Modern Times

It is not that common in these modern times to find many men wearing jewellery with precious stones as they are left for women. This is also because men are used to wearing leathers and precious metals like Gold as their jewellery. But in the past few years, men have started embracing the new fashions and the number wearing gemstones pulling off a bold look with things changing in the fashion industry. To cope up with the change, men who want to be still stylish have opted to go with the most precious stone, the rubies. The natural stone jewellery is still the best option for men to date since a lot of men still wear it on their necks, fingers, and wrists.

A well-dressed man who incorporates the red gemstone to his outfits is seen to be more elegant, courageous, have dignity, have confidence, and have a more commanding power. For this reason, the precious stone is more suitable for a man in these modern times.

How Rubies are Incorporated into Modern Fashion

Jewellery made from natural rubies can be very costly. Even when they are small in size, their rarity makes them still expensive. However, if you want to keep up with the latest fashion trends, you can find some affordable men’s rubies jewellery online and rock the bold and elegant look that will make you stand out from the rest. If you are the quiet type, you can wear rubies jewellery without showing the whole world that you are rich or wealthy. Below are some of the ways to wear your natural stone crystals and be elegant doing it.

Incorporate Rubies into your Outfits during Special Occasions

For men, wearing jewellery made of rubies does not seem to be very appropriate for many activities like going to work and other official environments or even just walking about. But they are very suitable for special occasions and even non-formal environments like parties, weddings, all-white parties, black tie events, hanging out with friends, and all fun social activities. It brings out your classiness maybe when you wear that ruby incorporated necklace or studs.

You can also pull off the elegant and stylish look in official environments if you don’t mind showing off your wealth by wearing a watch studded with rubies or wearing a ring with this rock.

Wear Your Rubies in a Subtle Manner

For men, wearing too much jewellery only makes one seem like a show off, and it is actually not classy at all. One should always try to wear rubies jewellery in such a way that it can be noticed to complement the outfit and make you elegant but not draw too much attention. But if you are looking to capture the attention of others to your wealth, big rubies will do that.

To become subtle and classy, one can wear small rubies studs or a wristwatch studded with small rubies. You should always follow the rule of men’s jewellery, which is to wear a maximum of only two pieces at a time. Like you can wear only studs paired with a wristwatch embedded with rubies or any other combination of two. Always follow the two jewellery set rule, and you can be sure to be subtle and pull off a classy look with your natural stone jewellery.


Rubies have been and are still the perfect jewellery for men. They bring out all the good values one wants and give the wearer some aspect of confidence, boldness, and power as a man. With the long history the stone has, and will remain to be a valuable rock for a very long time, and owning one will always be a goal to many.

Today’s man is multi-faceted. He’s an individual. He’s not a slave to fashion trends. Yet he wants to look contemporary and smart, while he flaunts his signature style. He is practical with no time to waste. He wants accessible fashion that fits in with his lifestyle, he doesn’t want to fit the fashion. Does that sound like someone relatable?

The Casual Man

The young man of today knows that casual does not mean you don’t look smart. Today, it’s possible to have a smart-yet-relaxed look. Like a man who knows who he is and what he is. He knows it and he takes pleasure in it. Whatever you are and whoever you are, always be yourself. Never compromise. You can be casual, at ease and still look amazing. Today’s fashion means that you don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort. If this is what you like, head over to IRO for men. You’re going to like what you find over there. That’s a promise. Also, the goods are all on sale prices. Check it out.

The Contemporary Man

A man of today wants to look modern and contemporary, as he should. He certainly doesn’t want to look like an escapee from previous years. Describing this attitude another way, you can say he wants his look to fit in with the trends of the day. Yet he does not want to look like someone who blindly follows the fashion. He’s mature enough to want to wear his personal style while blending in with the contemporary look. Contemporary fashion gives an individual freedom to choose his look, while adapting it to his own individual style. It’s a practical look with lots of room. So go for it. Make the most of this opportunity. Like most rare opportunities, it will not last long. Especially at sale prices.

The Classic Man

Like men from generations gone by, today’s man rocks the classic look. It sounds like a contradiction, yet it is not. The look is traditional, yet modern. It’s contemporary, yet timeless. Even better, it’s affordable. You don’t have to be wealthy to avail of quality, classic fashion. The clothing on sale is not what you’d call cheap. It’s what is nowadays called ‘affordable’. Good quality for less money. Especially when it’s on offer for sale prices. That’s an added bonus. Remember, good quality never goes out of style. Sorry if it sounds like a cliché. Yet it is absolutely true.

The Sporty Man

If there’s a look that’s been passed down to us and that truly never goes out of style, it’s the sporty look. Comfortable, practical sportswear, has never been more popular than it is today. Sportswear supports, it doesn’t restrict. It blends and harmonizes with contemporary fashion, giving an elegant and practical look. It’s not only good for sports. It’s good for all sorts of practical purposes. You can wear it during physical activity like gardening, for example. It will support a young man in his physical endeavours while making him look totally fashionable. It’s another way to look practical. It’s another way to look casual and relaxed in your own time and place. These comfortable, practical clothes will serve the wearer well and do him proud. What’s not to like?

There are changing trends in all parts of fashion each year even in men’s fashions but some years, a person might notice that they are only a slight change from the year before. When it comes to men’s trousers for 2011, this is what has seemed to have happened. While there are new types of trousers, some of them are do proceed with fashions from 2010 – they are simply adding on some new ideas at the same time.

Trendy Trousers for Men

Military style, while that is not a new style, is coming back for 2011 but with some extra features. These trends are looking back to the 40’s and 50’s. There are some wonderful trousers on the market that are aviator style but with slightly different kinds of cuts as well as the use of velvet cloth in them to give a softer look and feel. These trousers have military style boots and coats to match to give the whole aviator/military style look.

The skinny look has been in for some time and there are still trousers taking on that look but the new cut offers a military cut for these skinny pants as well. It offers a higher sense of masculinity through the slimmer waist and the slim trousers and even more so when the jacket that broadens the shoulders, is worn to accompany the trousers.

Velvet is the material that is being used for these new trends but when trousers are being worn with velvet jackets, the trousers can be a different material. There is no need for a whole velvet suit to look great. Mixing and matching materials is in for the New Year.

Ever since Levi Strauss and his tailor received a US patent for their pants on May 20, 1873, blue jeans have been popular. They do come and go as far as fashion trends are concerned and they also vary as to skinny or baggy to high fashion to grunge but they still remain at the top of men’s fashion list.

Recently there have been the fast growing high end jeans or as called in some stores or websites as selvedge or selvage which is the way the fabric is produced. It is made on a shorter loom so it takes longer to make producing a higher quality and a heavier fabric hence more expensive.
Every male should own one pair of these high end jeans even if they are bought at a factory stores at a discount or used from a consignment shop or paying top dollar at a high end store they should own one. These blue jeans are not going away any time soon, so expect to continue to see them on celebrities and the on the street male.

Of course one pair is enough of these so you will still need several pairs that are cheaper to buy. The trends vary from a dark wash to a light wash but ripped or washed out or worn in, whichever sobriquet you choose they are still hot and in style. And apparently the skinny tight look is slowly, very slowly changing to a bit more fabric and not so tight.

Choosing Best Men Beard Style

Beards are part of the facial hair. All men at some time in their life develop some beards. Many heroes are associated with having some beard styles. The kind of styles that are used to maintain beards vary from one person to the other. All people are capable of finding beard styles that they can identify with. The problem is normally when choosing one that will suit you. Here are important points that you can opt to consider while choosing a beard style that you can use.

Brad Pitt Beard Style

When choosing the beard style to use, consider your facial shape. Ensure that the style that you will choose has the ability to match it. Different beard styles are suitable for different facial appearance. Choose a suitable style since it will determine your general appearance.

When you are choosing a hairstyle, you should cease shaving beards. Long beards are easy to give you several alternatives of styles. Some people will not allow their hair to grow long; hence, have few beard styles that they can use. Beards that are 2 weeks old are good enough to consider for a style since they are quite grown.

Determine the beard pattern growth. Look whether you have hair on your chin or not, cheek and a moustache. This will also help you in determining a suitable hairstyle.

Choose one of the classic styles that are available. Some of the styles that you can take include full beards that are suitable for those people who have good cheek growth. Slim faced men should shave their cheeks only and lead the forepart. The beards help to square your whole face.

Let the beard grow without restriction once you identify the appropriate style for you. Keep letting the beards develop over time until your whole face is fully covered with beards.

The underpants that are worn by men are sometimes uncomfortable if they are not of the right size. They are supposed to be closely fitting but should allow some space for a snug. Cotton material makes the best kinds of pants. Here are some of the suitable steps that you can use to choose the best underwear for a man.

Start by looking at the alternatives that are available at your local outlets. You should preferably choose men’s brief that are available at the store. These kinds of underpants are suitable since they have minimum or less abrasion on the wearer.

The underwear that are made of cotton are the best type. Synthetic fibers are not suitable since they hold back the air causing overheating of the bowels which create discomfort. The cut that is put in the underwear will determine your favorite choice. Avoid those that have low rise. Bikinis are not a favorite among those people who are looking for comfort.

Ensure that the underwear that you are purchasing is the right size. Ensure that the waists and the legs are well fitting and not tight. This will ensure that the underpants are going to give you the right protection.

Ensure that you are going to read the information that is provided at the information chart. The chart has information that can help you to determine the probable average that the underwear is likely to shrink. This will help you in choosing the right size. Choose a size that is larger a little to give allowance to shrinking. This will ensure that you will not get uncomfortable incase the underpants shrinks in future.

Shop one pair of underwear at a time. Wash it and try it on. If it fits you well with the kind of comfort that you would want, purchase more of them.

One of the downfalls of the typical housewife is having to shop for every family member in the household. This, unfortunately, includes the husband or male of the family. Buying clothes for these male members can be extremely frustrating, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. With a few tips & shopping techniques it can be easy to find him the perfect clothes that are still in style and works on a tight budget.

The best possible tip you can follow when buying clothes for your male loved ones is to know what they like. It’s possible from knowing that to help bend what they like just enough to keep it fashionable. For example, if your man only wears stripes but solids are in this season, you may be able to find something that is a little of both rather than one way or the other – it gives you wiggle room. Another great tip for shopping for him is to remember your budget. Getting what’s in style is not important if you’re going to be broke at the end of the spree. Shop in places like Plato’s Closet or other gently used clothing stores to find the latest fashions in the cheapest prices – this is especially good for the younger men in your life.

Shopping doesn’t have to be a chore you have to do by yourself either. Nothing beats shopping for a man than shopping for him with him in tow. This is important because the best looking clothes can be extremely hideous looking if they don’t fit right. Bringing him along (even if he’s unwilling) can help a lot!

When we talk about hair, it is easy to forget the men of the world. So much attention is given to women’s hair and styles that men are often kind of left on the sidelines with a confused look on their faces. When it comes to men’s hair, there are a few tried and true tips to follow that will keep you looking good and well-groomed without making you go out on a limb with a new style. Keeping within these tips will help you stay off the metaphorical “worst hair” lists of your life.

As a general rule, men should keep their hair, at a minimum, shoulder length. This of course depends on your personal style and whether your face and style can handle longer hair, but having hair that is longer than should length can do a lot toward making you look more womanly than manly, and even help you be taken less seriously in work and other areas of your life. If you opt for long hair, it is an absolute must to take good care of this long style so that you look well-groomed and not grungy.

Another good rule of thumb about men’s hair has to do with coloring. Generally speaking, it is more acceptable for men to “grow old gracefully” and allow a little gray to stay than it is for women. Men are often thought to look more mature, distinguished and even more handsome with a little gray, whereas women rarely allow gray hair to take over. Try asking the stylist to leave in a little gray when you get colored to keep that distinguished look in your life.